- Effects of upstream activities on downstream drinking water sources
- Microplastics in green stormwater infrastructure
A complete list of publications can be found on Google Scholar. Some recent papers are listed below.
Kwak, N., Smith, V., and Good, K.D. (2024) “Assessing the Influence of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Implemented for Combined Sewer Overflow Control on Urban Streamflow,” Journal of Hydrology. 640, 131670.
Cook, L.M., Good, K.D., Moretti, M., Kremer, P., Wadzuk, B.M., Traver, R.G., and Smith, V. (2024) “Towards the intentional, multifunctionality of urban green infrastructure: a paradox of choice?” npj Urban Sustainability. 4(12).
Good, K.D., Kolb, C., & VanBriesen, J.M. (2023) “Role of refined coal use in power plant effects on downstream drinking water quality,” Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 10(3), 260-266.